Financial Planning Services


Janus Financial Planning is a fee-only firm, meaning the only compensation I receive is directly from my clients for my services. I do not receive commissions for investments or products sold, nor do I receive any compensation for referrals. All fees and options are shown below, fully transparent from the start. My primary service is Wealth Management, which is a combined service of comprehensive financial planning and investment management. Alternatively, I can always work on a Project-based agreement where the scope and duration are limited.

But first, what does "Financial Planning" entail? Simply, anything with a "$" in your life. Here are a few examples:

Wealth Management

This combined service offering of comprehensive financial planning and investment management is based on a flat fee range and is calculated as follows:

The annual fees are negotiable, prorated, and paid in arrears on a quarterly basis. The fee range is flat, ranging from $3,000 to $15,000 annually. The fee will always be agreed to upfront and is based upon the complexity of the client’s financial profile and therefore the resources required to service the client during the year.

Clients whose annual fees are on the low end of the fee ranges are clients whose financial profiles have minimal complexity. Typical aspects of a client with minimal financial complexity include but are not limited to, the following: single with no children, no ex-spouses or no other dependent persons, a W-2 wage earner as opposed to self-employed, does not own any real estate, does not own any investments besides liquid publicly traded securities and pooled investment vehicles, does not have any particular legacy goals for his or her estate, etc. Clients whose annual fees are on the high end of the fee range are clients whose financial profiles contain a lot of complexity. Such clients may include, but are not limited to, business owners, clients with large holdings of real estate or other less liquid assets, clients with highly structured legal estates, clients whose household has multiple different investment accounts, etc.

So what does all of this look like at the beginning? I kick off all Wealth Management engagements with the 8-week "Initial Plan Process":

Initial Plan Process

From there, we work together to implement the initial plan, crafting an annual meeting cadence that works best for you, the client. For some, this ends up being a quarterly meeting, while others are best served with just meeting once per year.

Project-Based Planning

Sometimes you are looking for advice on a limited, specific scope. This is where our Project-Based Planning comes in. These fees are negotiable with the final agreed upon fee included in the contract at a fixed rate. This rate can take the form of hourly at $200, billed in increments of 15 minutes, or it can be a fixed amount. A comprehensive plan where implementation is left to you ranges from $2,000 to $5,000. This can also be a great way to test our level of service!